read between the lines
dazed and dreamy i just can't get enough of the movie val kilmer was in when this still photo was taken. i think it was an unusual treat that channel 5 showed three romantic movies back-to-back saturday night (it's so weird that a common crush on keanu reeves could bring my middle-aged auntie, my younger cousin and i together), and an even better treat that the last movie was "at first sight", based on a true story with the main character being the man above.okay, so they really played up the part that this guy was blind and therefore required him to do a lot of feeling about for things (and how can a blind man look that hot anyway?)...but still, the movie won me over. i know val kilmer was the poster boy of the eighties, but his first few movies had crap scripts in my opinion, and it was only later that he started picking movies that had more calibre (most of the time) and really accentuated his fantastic acting skills, one of which was "the ghost and the darkness", which i never quite got over. it did help a great deal too that he looks so hot, hehe. i got quite a shock when i found out he was fricking 47-plus this year (birthday on the last day of the year, so 48 just doesn't cut it), which means, as my cousin so pointed out, he was 39 when the above photo was taken -- an age which is almost impossible to associate with the youthful (and absolutely to-die-for) figure above. i think i've spilled enough drivel on the keyboard already (metaphorically speaking) and through the words of this entry so i shall stop here. but my interest for this movie is still insatiable (for now), so if anyone ever comes across this movie please tell me where to find it! heh. O2jam rocks yess!!! i made it from level 0 to level 4 in O2Jam in just two hours! and tonight is only the second time i've played the game....wooohooo.the days so far i thank god it never rains whenever i'm taking a serious walk (i.e. to think, pray or both). it is blatantly evident during this rainy season that it is the hand of god who stops the rain, especially during the time when everywhere else was flooding up and people were getting evacuated.i also thank god for the weirdly wonderful past week he has given me, which all started with a little tug at god's sleeve two fridays ago. i was blogging about how i wished every day was like that friday in the sense that unplanned but welcome divine appointments just fell into place as the day played itself out. and since then until the end of last week, every day has been like that, for which i will be grateful for a long time. i thank god for the new (though not necessarily all newly-aquainted) set of friends that he brought into my life last week, and the christian functions that he drew me to. i think a breath of fresh air was good, not only for me but for the limited resource of people i usually exhaust. i thank god for reaffirming friends who unknowingly drove home the same message god wanted me to hear at this time. and also i thank god i was given the privilege to taste some of the fruits of my labour in prayer for some of my fellow brothers and sisters in christ (you know who you are), which indeed encouraged me and brought some rejoicing to my heart. it was strange to see in a weird way that what i partly sowed ended up getting reaped at a very timely moment, a moment when i needed encouragement the most. and so i give thanks for positively answered prayers upon these lives and more to come. this week seems to be moving in a parallel but slightly different direction...with that said, i thank god for both the times of refreshing and the times of wrestling. and for more of such times as i move into the second month of this new year. as always, i thank those of you who pray for praying. |