read between the lines
short christmas note this will be short. still tired from camp. work's started trickling in, as expected.before i mention the camp, let me say christmas was painful. it could have been even worse had god not provided a very timely friend and that friend's christmas party to run to. but let me clarify that i did not use that as a form of dependence, nor would i have stayed home to face the family stress had that opportunity not risen. cos i was already out of the house anyway. one of the rare times i used my trump card (and my last resort), which is to run away from home. that might seem like a cowardly thing to do but sometimes i just can't take it when it hits the max and all i want to do at that time is leave the scene of the crime aka. the place which is causing me great stress. back to camp. which i will continue in a new post. |