read between the lines
J for Jessica finally got to see V for Vendetta again today before it left the cinemas for good. had been planning to watch it last week since i thoroughly enjoyed watching first watching it the week before but, things cropped up and somehow or other i was unable to watch the movie at that particular time it was screening (it was going to go off soon so they started scheduling the timing to odd hours).that show is so damn fantastic that i have so many praises for it...but before that, i thought i'd like to do a little parody. it occured to me that, as the movie ended and i remained in my seat, all i'd have to do is put on a Guy Fawkes mask and black hat and i'd look like V too, since i already have long black hair for V's wig. haha. so this is what i came up with: what do you think of the new V, or should i say, J? still doesn't look quite right, though. so, how about.... this? looks more like it, i think. hahaha. |