read between the lines
unimpressed with misimpression it just occured to me that the one thing that both drives me up the wall (not in an angst-filled way but in the way an ant bite still itches long after the ant has bitten) and turns me off is when a person or people get the wrong impression of me. which, i know, is a mistake everyone makes towards everybody on earth at at least a few points and times in their lives.but it gets to be too much to take when the degree of misreading me is consistently high, even after countless explanations. this is most probably due to the fact that the person has typecast me to forever fit this mistaken mould that this person has placed me in, which makes everything i say fall on deaf ears. and i, knowing myself, am a person who is very hard to read accurately most of the time, causing me to be misread, misinterpreted and therefore resulting in people having the wrong impression of me. which would mean that a significant number of people put me off. i feel a bit autistic in this sense, because i don't know how to communicate well face-to-face and work much better when given the time and space to write it out. i particularly detest some of the labels my forehead seems to come attached with, and no, the most detestable label is not 'weird'. so i see two options from here: either i express myself more clearly, or make the "it doesn't matter what others think" mantra a reality. i'm still working on both at this moment. or should i say i'm still being worked on, since change in character is not largely nor solely of my own effort. |