read between the lines
re: thoughts that never go why do i find it so easy to believe that the bible's words are true, yet find it so hard to believe that i am destined for greatness? -- "For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God's abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ."-- it was only during my friends' prayers over me that i realised the extent of my unbelief. incredulous best described how i felt as i heard words of blessings spoken over my life. could it be that someone would actually want to give me good things and genuinely want to make life work out for me, undeserving as i am? then only did i remember that grace, righteousness, favour and honour were gifts, provisions, bestowed qualities -- in other words, they were given and not earned. it's funny how i often forget that it's not how many rules i obey that gets me these things, but it's how much god loves me that does. i also tend to forget that god isn't like man and can therefore be trusted to keep his promises. but why in the first place are people getting raised from the dead and walking on water accepted as truth at face value, yet scepticism arises over god's assurance of abundant providence for every trial and tribulation that i face? |