read between the lines
the transforming agent yawn...i know it's already the 22nd, but i still count it as the day before since it's still night (heh) and will adjust my fast accordingly. necf's nationwide 40-day fast-and-prayer has come up again and i will be taking part for the third consecutive time...what's special this year is our country turning the big 50.i'm about to sleep so i'm not going to espouse the merits of living in this country (which is kinda hypocritical, if you ask me); however, this i am indeed thankful of: that we are still a peaceful nation. okay, so there's all the bad press about my hometown's recent spate of thefts and rape cases, but at least we are not living in a state of pandemonium amidst bombings, air-raids and war rapes (i still shudder when i recall the graphic pictures of mutilated women from the rape of nanking -- you have been warned, don't ever read that book). and i pray that it will never be so, though some people here do say that the underlying racial tension here is a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. but i trust in our god, and i trust in the prime minister He has put in place. he seems to genuinely care about the people's needs. okay aside from doing this for my country, i'm doing this for my own sake too. i have let too much of the enemy of sloth and idleness get into my life and fasting is badly required at this point and time. if anything, those are the things i desperately need prayer for. will resume posts after merdeka day. jessica (not seacrest), out. |