read between the lines
future love song sometimes i can just close my eyes to the music and just imagine myself hurtling down some road...man, i still love driving (probably as long as it's a luxury, haha). kevin max's crashing gates and passing keepers is in my ears now...he sounds a bit like bono when he gets falsetto some parts:
i'm not sure of the second word in the third stanza but i love the lyrics anyway -- this would have to be my favourite song in this eponymous album. jesus is our future love song and i'm glad the day will finally come that i'll finally fully feel like the object of his affection. 4 random cues that make me feel good: 1) when a good friend smiles by accident 2) feeling the cuddly bear that is my dog against my skin 3) observing long dog in deep thought 4) the morning atmosphere outside at 7am