Recording my journey of trying to make it through life and find God, joy, purpose and meaning along the way...basically in search of eternal life here on earth.

!HERO [the gospel in rock]
jon foreman
duran duran
the O.C.
jason LO


Background from


lyrics gone wrong

one of those days

defamation alert

discovery week
rattling on
eyes hurt
pressed for time


October 2004
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read between the lines

Saturday, June 11, 2005

nick rhodes & wisdom

nick rhodes sent a video message on his birthday, which was june 8! whoopee....43 years old and still no less appealing....saw the duran duran MTV of "what happens tomorrow", his fingers are really high on the staccatos on the keyboard! but sad to say, really, both dd MTVs (this one and 'reach up for the sunrise') have really bad...'scriptwriters'? as in, i've seen better ones from dd than this....don't get me wrong, the music is great, but the MTVs are so...boring. and a bit corny too, esp some bits in 'sunrise'.

yawn. i'm getting tired already even though i've slept all day. was actually not feeling well today, so i cut short my plans in sch and left right after class ended. so yeah, no life today. hahah. i meant life meeting...gotcha! but there is no life anyway, i found out....this sem we've downgraded from a weekly affair to a fortnightly one :(, while in another place, they've progressed from fortnightly to this a sign i should move over to the other side? haha...just kidding. i know where God is and He's right here with me :).

this is part of a post taken from my other public blog...thought it was worth mentioning...too tired to elaborate much though:

-physical age is in no way linked to godly wisdom. experiencing pain and trials do play a huge part in inculcating that wisdom, though. cos whatcha read, can never have as great an impact on your life as what you're going through. and the lessons that i've learnt are...tremendous. on one hand, i feel both humbled and loved by God that He's chosen to reveal so much to me, especially when i start to notice that not everyone comes to that point at my age, but on the other, it is painful when it's painful. know what i mean?

a comment on that. yeah. i thank the Holy Spirit for continually making known to me the secrets of God's heart, wisdom from above....i'm definitely grateful, cos now that i know, i think i'm better off knowing than to still not have known. but i know there's always a whole lot to learn from God, since we'll never attain the standard of wisdom God has anyway...not that i want to, but it does remind me that there is never a point where i can say, "i already know all there is to know." whoa. sounds like something keanu reeves would say outta the matrix. hahah.

as for the 2nd point, i'll continue in another post...