read between the lines
rattling on how fitting that around the time i start listening to duran duran again, there comes up an article about one of its members, lead singer Simon le Bon, in the papers today. its angle was mostly on him signing up for a yacht race 20 years after he nearly drowned while competing in the same race, but it had several snippets here and there about life with duran duran. goes to show that i'm still a true blue duranie (slang for duran duran fan) after all this while ;). simon's not my fave though (nick is!), but he's my second fave.and i even came across an article which included my old fave, elijah wood. it turns out he was one of the VIPs present at Four Seasons Hotels & Resort's opening ceremony dinner at Langkawi. in fact, the only male white guy there. the piece came up with a picture of him and jimmy choo's daughter posing. (jimmy choo is one of malaysia's most well-known citizens, due to his branded shoes of the same name, if you didn't already know.) speaking of reading the papers, what an odd time to read them. i don't usually read them at night...but tonite i had to wait for my dad to get off the working com, cos it's situated rite next to this com, so i jus picked up the papers and read....and once i read i couldn't stop reading....which is, surprisingly, strange among my coursemates, cos it seems that very few of them actually enjoy reading newspapers. and i don't know if it's just them, or the generic youth of today. i had double joy of the papers today cos my parents bought both NST (new straits times) and the Star...so i was poring through them. usually i prefer to read the feature sections more than anything, because i find travel and fashion not to my interest and because the nation section is usually filled with gruesome killings or acts of a carnal or horrific nature. so usually i just scan through them for the sake of keeping up-to-date, but sometimes an outrageous headline catches my attention and i get pulled in hook, line and sinker before hurriedly turning the page away, disgusted. it's really sick what people do to other people these days....and i'm not just talking about assaults on women. today i just aimlessly looked through, but a "special report" on hangmen compelled me to read. and....ugh, it's really sick. up till today i still feel that hanging, execution, whatever forced death by the law is an absolute wrong. and yes, it's linked to the God-has-the-right-to-decide-who-lives-and-who-doesn't stand. anyway, the summary of the 3-piece backgrounder was about how hangman live with the fact that, well, they kill people about once a year, as well as what they've seen and how prisoners react....plus an infographic explaining the procedures of how hanging is carried out...really sick. i hope i don't dream of hooded victims hanging from nooses in my sleep....but at least this wasn't as visually disturbing as the video i watched of the korean beheading last yr...now that was really really painful to watch.... and while i'm on the topic of what's sick, looks like i have to be particularly cautious when carrying out my new group project: of all topics to write papers on they had to choose anime. the one thing which i have deliberately avoided because of all the turns-you-on pictures of female cartoon characters dressed in indecent clothing with contradictingly big, innocent and rather docile eyes. ok, so not all anime is about sex. but a lot of it is....like eri izawa, a lecturer from MIT in the US n writer says, it's ubiquitous. but that's not the thing...the thing was, on friday our group was supposed to meet in the library to read up on books on anime that we might want to include in our paper....and we came across this deceptively innocent book called "learning to draw anime". anime my ass! more like learning to draw figures of stereotypical big-busted females in two forms: nude and semi-nude, in the sickest...positions. and the purpose of it all, the writer (obviously some porn-crazed male) mentioned, was to help the caricaturist understand how the form and inner-wear of these female characters affect the way they look like in proper clothes. but stil, i think he's really sick! the moment i saw some of these explicit pictures, i immediately shut the book, but my horny friend kept opening up several pages and nudging me to look up and see. i just looked with my eyes half-closed and tahan-ed, up to the point where i saw a female character in this particularly sick...position...which made me feel...sick, and then i said that's it....i am not gonna look anymore because (thank god) our paper's not focusing on pornography in anime. instead, it's focused on gender discrimination, which is...not so bad. anyway as an added fact, my friend noted that there were absolutely no drawings on males whatsoever. not that i want to know. ugh... and if you're wondering, why in the world am i stuck doing a topic which has links to an issue i very much detest and hate (read: porn), it's because well...the majority wanted it. if i had it my way, though, i'd write on how the government is restricting freedom of press....a very interesting (and controversial) topic indeed, one that i could find a thousand and one book sources from, compared to anime. (and i'm not saying this out of mere guesswork, but i've done my homework and searched through various campus / institution databases.) just wolfed down some imitation danish cookies due to a growling stomach...must have had too light a meal for dinner earlier. i'll continue with more personal stuff in a new post. |