read between the lines
shoutouts i don't know what the hell is my dad trying to achieve by making all those sarcastic remarks like that. does he expect me to go, "ooooh, thank you for being so fricking cynical to me, it really makes me feel loved at home?"oklah. full stop. i shall stop it at here and not continue further. anger will not grip me today. and anyway i've found something else to occupy myself with (which i am going to write about in the next paragraph). i absolutely, absolutely hate it when fake christians (aka. people who choose to continue living out a deplorable way of life while maintaining a generally 'holy' attitude in front of me) blog. it is the one main reason why i no longer their frequent their blogs...but once in a while i will come back to see if they've changed and i see no change at all. okay, okay, i know nobody's perfect and we're all hypocrites at some point or another (credit goes to my friend for pointing that out to me some time ago) and everyone has the right to blog whatever they want, but...urgh...it's just really distasteful (and disappointing) to see them openly approving of sin online. i mean, it's one thing to sin, but it's another to approve of it or act like it's all right to do so when you seem to behave otherwise in front of me. which brings me back to the same point: fakeness. i can't stand fake people. they are my one pet peeve. i know god says to forgive and i'm slowly learning to accept them, but just because i accept them as they are doesn't mean i agree with their policies or actions. speaking of fake, some people are really 'poser'. especially when they try to imitate something that doesn't come naturally to them. enough said. |