Recording my journey of trying to make it through life and find God, joy, purpose and meaning along the way...basically in search of eternal life here on earth.

!HERO [the gospel in rock]
jon foreman
duran duran
the O.C.
jason LO


Background from


forest gladeswillow treeshiding, pushing past the ...

so what's new


slanging away
backstreet's back
the day's rant
my age


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read between the lines

Monday, January 30, 2006

year of the dog

this chinese new year wasn't so boring after all! yeah, and the reason why i'm so glad it didn't meet my expectations of cny being this boring usual sitting-around-wasting-time- at-your-grandparents'-house thing was's a SUNDAY!

which means there is SUNDAY SERVICE! i was extra happy coming to church today, even though i was late and the sermon was kinda boring (no, it wasn't the topic, but rather the way the speaker chose to present it). i was thinking, what better way to celebrate CNY than to come down to my favourite place and be with my favourite person (God, aka. the person who saved and still saves my life) and see familiar faces.

yes, although i did mention in an earlier post about the problem i had with the youth, there are a few gems god chooses to place in areas like these. the oldies are still the best...thank god. oldies meaning people my age, not the septuagenarians or something......

but i did sigh inwardly when i had to leave...i always want some time to retreat, which it doesn't look like i'll get anytime soon. oh man i wish i had a plan. a plan to fly away.

it's the year of the dog this year, so it really is their year, my dogs i mean. hehe. and since it is, i am going to talk a little about them cos i love them so much (and i don't wanna sleep anyway, even though it's so late). i love all of them. i do, i do.

my dogs are....loyal. smart. intelligent. beautiful dogs, each in their own way. and way better than stuffed toys, cos not only are they cute and their fur feels way better than a stuffed toy, but they're living so they can respond and react to the environment. haha.

i thank god for dogs....i thank god for the dogs i've had, past and present. i thank god for sending these loyal, faithful friends who will always be there for me, ready to greet me and cheer me up when i come home. even if i've had a sucky day, whether outside or with things going on in the house, i can always look forward to the fact i can come home to these lovable canines.

they've never let me down, except two incidents with one of my dogs that happened because er...i sorta "betrayed" his loyalty and he remembered it (long story). but we have never ever had a fight or argument before. that's the thing about dogs, i guess, that you can never get compared to humans. probably cos we can't speak each others' language, haha. my dogs know how to say hello though. but they'll get it wrong sometimes and it'll come out as a "harrrrrro" instead of "hallo". which is kinda cute..haha.

another thing about dogs is, people will never point the finger at you if you're seen hanging out too often with a male friend or if you're caught in a uh, compromising position. haha. don't get any wrong ideas, i don't sleep with my dog, though i'd very much like to (not in the wrong sense though..haha), but i do pick him up and cuddle him, or groom him, tickle him and hold him in ways that might look pretty wrong if it was a human guy i was doing it to. hahaha. too bad he can't talk, i always say, or else i'd take him out and talk with him the whole day. haha.

and dogs, dogs are intelligent. they're way smarter than what the general consensus is, that much i can vouch. i've seen the human side of my dogs so often..especially from one of them whom i often refer to as temperamental...he's the most human dog i've ever known, in terms of emotions and displaying that he comprehends what is going on.

and my only female dog right now always reminds me a lot yes, myself. i could relate to her since young cos the way she reacts socially amongst her peers is very similar to the way i react. she's not afraid to be different even if it's not going to earn her points in people's eyes. enough said. haha.

okay, i think that's about enough for tonight. it's late and i should be sleeping...but i know i'm probably going to be up playing computer games after this. :p