Recording my journey of trying to make it through life and find God, joy, purpose and meaning along the way...basically in search of eternal life here on earth.

!HERO [the gospel in rock]
jon foreman
duran duran
the O.C.
jason LO


Background from


first cooking attempt

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unimpressed with misimpression

doubt your doubts
much afraid
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season's greetings
'tis the season


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read between the lines

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

long overdue

i was going to forget about it, but since i promised a few posts ago i'd do it (and since someone keeps kacauing me about it), i will do that long overdue update about that little camp i mentioned. just a smaller-than-usual piece. and a different angle from your average "oh, i went and did this and then we did that" event coverage.

i was kinda glad in a way that i didn't leave camp on a spiritual plateau. i stopped believing in (temporary) spiritual highs in camps after i realised that they were almost certainly followed by equally dramatic spiritual lows. i mean, there's enough valleys in this life, so why add to them? however, that's not to say i left without being impacted. i went away with a more stable spiritual condition and a quiet yet growing resolve to carry on the things i must do.

i learnt a lot too, though initially it looked like i might not when i found out the structure of the talks were kind of different this time round. but god is good, and when He needs to get the message across He will, one way or another, through various means. i was also aware that a new year was merely days away so i set aside time to reflect as well as plan ahead.

i also was pushed to make a few commitments at the camp to follow through within the coming year (unfortunately or not, we were challenged to make a few faith steps), some of which, predictably got tested as early as a few days after new year's day. it is my sincere hope that i do not forget nor fail to act on my commitments, and to pray over them constantly throughout this year. we shall see in time to come.

in addition to that, i also committed to a few personal goals (resolutions sounds like such a bad word, considering most people don't even keep them and end up recycling them every year) of my own to achieve, based on what God had revealed to me thus far. so with renewed hope, i look forward to a better me this year.

p.s. speaking of a better me, i am such an idiot for doing what i did today. i really should have known better than to reciprocate my landlady's questionable actions, and it ended up causing a lot of misconstrued perceptions for both parties, which i had to promptly apply damage control to. shows i'm still pretty much the same ignoramus i've always been when it comes to handling people appropriately.