Recording my journey of trying to make it through life and find God, joy, purpose and meaning along the way...basically in search of eternal life here on earth.

!HERO [the gospel in rock]
jon foreman
duran duran
the O.C.
jason LO


Background from


the transforming agent

harry potter and retailers of nonsense


re: thoughts that never go
thoughts that never go
three things
re: i've found my groom
2nd camp & extended stay (kl/pj)
1st camp (malacca)
in a nutshell


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read between the lines

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

jessica's back

this entry's title is a pun on jack nicholas' character (johnny)'s familiar phrase by the way.

well i'm back: spiritually healthier, fresher and more alive than yeah the fasting season has been a blast! i've never felt so free nor happy like this for so i am definitely grateful and appreciative to god for giving me this new lease of life (it does feels that way). so thank you to those who've prayed and wished the best for me as i took the month off to pay intercede for my country and recuperate. much has happened, mostly for the better.

other than benefiting myself, the fast (obviously) benefited the nation too. i am someone for whom reading the papers is a regular afternoon ritual, and there was a point in time of about two weeks when each day's designated prayer issue (from the booklet) seemed to pop up in the papers the same day. examples of such issues were the government consensus for the current constitution to be revised to better suit today's times, the IDR and similar projects to create more job opportunities for the rakyat, our PM's vow to eliminate hardcore poverty by 2010 and others. so it was really encouraging to see evidence of prayers being heeded that way.

like the rest of my countrymen, i also feel a special pride in our country this year, despite it being what it is, because we have turned 50 this 31st august and have managed to live cohesively and develop relatively well thus far. i feel so thankful that i (an example of the average person living here) am living in a country where i am free to practise my religion openly, go out anywhere and live a relatively high quality of life.

okay, so people are still getting murdered and robbed every day, but it's not like we're living under a curfew or national state of emergency (and thank god He's always got my back whenever i'm out), and it's not like i'm even close to rich or anything, but at least there's a roof over my head and my basic needs and amenities are met and provided for.

on to things on the personal side. headlines of the past month have included the passing of my beloved grandparents' and aunt's dog jack of 17 years, finally acquiring a job (though i have yet to start) after months of searching and trusting, a civilised, decent breakfast with my parents and others that i can't recall off the top of my head. will continue in a new post.