read between the lines
to update or not update after vacillating, for some time, between whether i should update my entries starting from where i last stopped, or from the date of posting itself, i have decided on the latter for good. yes, ultimately it might take me very long to catch up on the backlog of events i have yet to mention, but someday -- hopefully someday soon -- i will be able to sit down, have a few free hours to use the 'net and type everything out.reason being, i am now finding it very hard to see the big picture if i write sporadically only in bits and pieces here and there. and without the big picture it is very difficult to accurately reason with and conclude the issues that have been happening in my life. i find myself coming up with half-baked derivations rather than whole descriptions of what god is teaching me. this much is what i know thus far, so no further updates from me until i next have (lots of) time. later note: that 'someday' of updating things came one year later. haha. |