Recording my journey of trying to make it through life and find God, joy, purpose and meaning along the way...basically in search of eternal life here on earth.

!HERO [the gospel in rock]
jon foreman
duran duran
the O.C.
jason LO


Background from


lazy ass

the "pak-tor" god


under construction
in circles
little things
i need You
excuse me, mister


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read between the lines

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


actually i don't know how today was supposed to be. all i know is it ended abruptly cos all my mind was thinking the whole day was "assignment, assignment, assignment!" so i didn't really have time to breathe until it was all over. am so glad it's over and i can now wash my hands clean of it....or maybe not. but until then i'm cool.

anyway i ended up breaking the record for sleeping time today by half an hour. first time in my life i have ever gone to bed at 10.30a.m. and the record before this was also during this semester, which shows how hectic it can be at certain points. doing quiet time at such a late hour in the morning was really weird. (cos one of my designated quiet times tends to be just before bedtime.)

anyway like i was saying, i really had no inkling of what would have happened to me had i not gone, quite unexpectedly (and strongly disguised as chance when this was all actually pre-planned by god) to see corrinne may perform tonight. nothing moves me more than music, what more the piano, and to hear her sing unplugged with those soothing string arrangements was pure aural bliss. she is every bit as good as my friends have been saying she is.

but what moved me the most was when it touched my heart. i was truly ministered by her songs. "shelter" was almost like a personal letter from god. that was the only song that actually moved me to tears (but of course i tahaned a bit la, me being the stiff-necked, don't-wanna-make-a-scene kinda person i am). it was as good as an evangelistic concert. god definitely spoke through the songs.

was really glad that the first 3 songs she started off with, "save me", "superhero" and "angels", were songs i had heard before, so it wasn't so awkward and stuff. in terms of the music alone, i'd say i love "free" the most, especially the part where the string instrument (sorry but i forgot my music theory so i don't know what that thing's called) dips up 3 consecutive ascending notes. i can't remember all the names of the songs, but i was familiar with some of them along the way (like "let it go" and others), so it wasn't totally alien to me. and i liked her ending song (the one before her encore) about being bold enough to evangelise.

and it wasn't just the songs that ministered. i won't say much other than the uncanny (but then again, is it really that uncanny since i know it's god?) fact that the issue of being torn down to rise again was brought up, albeit in a slightly different analogy. that was kind of a double confirmation for me.

was glad i came. just as strongly as i felt that i shouldn't have been there when i stepped into church yesterday (and i was right), i felt that i was definitely meant to be there tonight.