Recording my journey of trying to make it through life and find God, joy, purpose and meaning along the way...basically in search of eternal life here on earth.

!HERO [the gospel in rock]
jon foreman
duran duran
the O.C.
jason LO


Background from



snapshots of events

simple faith

career talk
fooling around
moving along
not france's year
(still) ballack on the brain
ballack on the brain


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read between the lines

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

a few rays of light

i am grateful for the miracles raised.

i never thought i would say this but i actually love love love my temp job now. only peeve is it's in jb, so it's not counted as serving the bond. but i am grateful for this placement nonetheless.

got the interview and the job saturday, but was not told of the salary till today. as usual my parents fretted, they wanted me to be paid decent while me, i just wanted the experience. the company made me wait till 10am today (came 8.30am) but when the hr lady flipped open the paper she was covering to show me my salary (she couldn't say it out loud cos there was another newbie present), i wanted to scream for joy.

sure, it's slightly less than what i got for my attachment, but by local standards this is a pretty comfortable pay already. and it's way higher (and better) than manning a push cart or being a salesgirl at one of the malls here.

speaking of the newbie, it turns out he was a local who'd just come from singapore too, though he'd actually worked there. he looked a lot like an old friend i used to know (and miss, at times) so i guess it was much easier to talk to him?

anyway after the briefings and stuff, the hr lady took us on a tour of the place..and golly is it a hidden labyrinth! i had no idea that three-storey office shoplot held so many people and 3 sets of offices, in addition to the already-familiar tuition centre. but the thing that really got me was...i really got to see an actual printing house, from editorial to layouts to printing. and i was so excited to see every thing that i had learnt in theory during my course of study in real life. especially the layout department. they had designers editing the layouts using adobe indesign, exactly the way we used to do it in school when we had that mock magazine and newspaper thing.

actually i kinda had fun doing the layouts back in school so er, i did wonder for a moment if i should've applied for that job instead heh.

but all the same, i really really love my job, and this is the first time in my life i have ever truly enjoyed a job i had to work for. there's so many things to like about it when i compare it to my previous office job.

like: i actually like what i'm doing, and not doing something i'm forced to do. my job requires a balanced shift between looking at paper and looking at the computer, so my eyes don't hurt or get strained from hours of data entry anymore. the air-cond is not so deathly cold, in fact it's just right for a skinny person like me.

though i haven't managed to stay long enough to see office politics play out, my colleagues are way friendlier and more approachable than the other job. one of them even took the initiative to talk to me first, which made it that much easier because one person leads to another. also they're not much older than me so i don't feel so pressured into "respecting my elders" the way i did last time. and other things.

and as if that wasn't enough, in the middle of the afternoon i got a call from a company in sg asking me to come down for my first interview tomorrow.

anyway i don't care if i get it or not, i'm just glad this is something to shut my parents up about, at least for now. because i have faith that if this is part of god's providence, it will work out and if it doesn't, another job will come along that is part of the plan. sometimes i wish my parents could believe just as much as i do, but for now i'm just grateful.

and i'm grateful i'm grateful...if anyone understands what that means. because it (being grateful) probably means more to me than people really understand.