read between the lines
perhaps "you've gotta reach a compromise within urself... where... you're making the effort to connect... yet still can tolerate that's it's not totally you..." --what a friend said a few months ago seems like everyone likes me only when i'm not serious. i never really cared, as long as it was company, until dang that wyeff had to go propose that notion last week which i don't quite know how to digest. i mean, while laughing at crap jokes, comparing who can eat more ice-cream and debating about whether leonardo dicaprio is still considered hot property is cool and all for chilling out or breaking the ice, i'm not always like that, and i'm pretty sure everyone isn't too, unless they were born airheads. there has to be a balance between play and serious talk, to add dimension and depth, because if trends and toilet humour is all there is to talk about every time, i feel that it...lacks substance. i was thinking again today of how people respond positively to me when i keep things light-hearted but how they have such an adverse reaction when i start to get the least bit into serious conversation, when suddenly it dawned on me...usually, when i hold people at arm's length, i want them to remain an acquaintance (i.e. nominal friend) and nothing more. perhaps wyeff was right after all. but i never quite saw it that way until today. bah, but my thoughts seem to change everyday on the matter. who knows i might wake up tomorrow with another conclusion. but at least there's one constant in all this...g-o-d. |