Recording my journey of trying to make it through life and find God, joy, purpose and meaning along the way...basically in search of eternal life here on earth.

!HERO [the gospel in rock]
jon foreman
duran duran
the O.C.
jason LO


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finally i get to sleep

kevin max has a blog!

a dead life

the sandals
teen angst
this one's for all you people
my life today
rough update
another thing...
official blog opening


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read between the lines

Sunday, October 31, 2004

this afternoon's writing

I knew it. the first day that I finally get away from work and my family has to ruin it. especially my brother, up to his stupid antics again. I seriously don't know when he's gonna grow up. I would easily sell him away if offered a choice. he's an impudent rascal who causes annoyance and high blood pressure everytime he's around. almost everytime I see him my blood boils.

like I said once, God has a funny sense of humor. He thinks it's funny to give me a hyperactive spawn of Satan when he knows that one of his very essential rules is to "love your brother as you love the Lord". it's really trying. enuff said.

I just realised from what I've written today that I'm venting out my anger and dissatisfaction the people whom I call my family, and how they do things. and I realised I just can't write them all out here. so I won't.

true poetry, according to my teacher, is supposed to be vague, to give people as little insight as possible as to what the poet is writing...and that's the beauty of it, cos it leaves people guessing, leaves them something to think about. my view is, in addition to this, it allows us to apply whatever the poet is writing about to just about almost anything, instead of being limited to one thing, since the poet is not talking about a specific thing. no right answer, no wrong either. not so definite (the answer), more free in that sense. he also told us that poetry doesn't have to make sense, for poetry promotes freedom of thought, even to the point of breaking the boundaries of logic.

and to me, it allows people to make their own interpretations to it, and form their own opinions and associations with that particular work of art, work of poetry. and that makes it more personal and relevant to the reader, and everyone knows we're all attracted to things that relate to us, that have something to do with us.

even sermons...I find myself more interested in the sermon if he is speaking about it in a more personal way, than just reading out the notes and making us all fall asleep. I like it when he tells life stories, cos generally people are interested in other people, which is why we have reality shows, and when he inculcates his life story with a teaching from the Bible. that way it's more relevant and somehow looks more applicable in everyday life, cos he was the first one to apply it to his life (not as in the first person ever, but the first party, if one is looking at the audience and him as separate parties / separate persons.)

so I'm gonna write about today below, and you can interpret it whatever way you wish, or ask me what I'm talking about.


the sky turns to grey
sweeping away the sun's rays
the brightness of the day
fades away to reveal...
a desolate landscape.

is it an illusion?
is it just a facade, masking a deeper quiet joy?
according to God it is
for that is what broken bridges are for
but that doesn't make me hate them even less.

the rundown atmosphere
the taste of bitterness
of anger, of frustration
lapsing into a quiet desperation
a longing for a place devoid of trouble.

like hamsters in a running wheel
we spin forever into the end.
sometimes running the race
looks just like a circle
when you find yourself doing the same things again,
encountering the same roadblocks,
going through the same emotions.

but yet something is always different
everytime you reach the same station
somehow you're smarter,
wiser, more aware...
than you were before.

but knowledge is one thing and action is another.
breaking the security of familiarity
is a tough and brave act to follow.

I close my eyes
and try to envision the future.
I try to taste it in bits of life everywhere
but here it only comes in small quantities,
a fleeting moment
of the perfection yet to come.

if not for the vultures at the borders
I would do it.
I would cry, "Away, away!"
to a Xanadu of peace,
a nirvana of the highest level,
Babylon's hanging gardens.

but for now we look for Atlantis
we sink like the Titanic
but we rise again like ghosts
and we never give up
until we see the city of jasper.

and we are not alone.