Recording my journey of trying to make it through life and find God, joy, purpose and meaning along the way...basically in search of eternal life here on earth.

!HERO [the gospel in rock]
jon foreman
duran duran
the O.C.
jason LO


Background from



a few rays of light


snapshots of events
simple faith
career talk
fooling around
moving along
not france's year


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read between the lines

Thursday, July 20, 2006


it's 4.53 am and i just woke up 20 minutes ago. i can't believe i left my phone on silent mode. slept right after dinner, was supposed to watch project runway and wake up...but when i got up, i saw all the blinking (but silent) alarm reminders that i was supposed to have woken up hours ago. my eyes are still hurting and i'm a little groggy even though i've slept 8 hours...maybe after some typing i'll be back to normal.

but yet there's this feeling of excitement at having woken up at my favourite hours (read: night life). speaking of excitement the last thing i remember before waking up is i dreamt i went to genting, but a totally different genting. in the dream it was more like cameron highlands in the sense that we visited shops and farms instead of the theme park (which i always do).

surprisingly i could recall quite a lot from my dream..something i haven't been able to do for some time. i was reading this article in the papers on dreams the other day, and it said people who are happier tend to have more creative dreams, i don't know if that's true or not. but until fairly recently i couldn't even remember what i dreamt of, just that i knew i dreamt.

i'm still a bit woozy..urgh, why can't i feel alert? i've lost so much time already. and...what was i thinking yesterday? think the late night got me a bit high or something, writing all that shit.

last night's hunger was really bad though, which was why it was disturbing me enough until i had to mention it. it was so bad it evolved into a stomach ache, and after settling that i was still drinking milo no. 5 or 6 at like 4.45am.

it still carried on over to the daytime today, though (thank god) on a much smaller scale. thankfully my workplace has milo (unlike my old one where there was only coffee and tea), so i was making cups of it all day due to this really weird hunger. lunch only subdued it for awhile.

when i woke up almost kicked in immediately. and now, one cup of milo later, my stomach is still churning up the juices. sheesh. it is so strong anti-acid pills didn't help much yesterday. i think i can recall a doctor from my past telling me one of the causes could be stress, but...i don't think i was that stressed when this first started.

argh...i slept the required 8 hours and my head still feels like a half-ton of bricks. i thought i would be able to chiongthe remainder of the night away until i leave for work. but i am nowhere near the mood nor the alertness to write a proper cover letter today...i'll probably come up with more irrational crap (something the likes of jack sparrow's logic) if i send any out today. so i think i have to abandon plans tonight and consider this one day wasted.

and settle my stomach -- it's reminding me now.