read between the lines
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
i love some of the random quotes my friend's posted on his god quote generator site...he took them from the love singapore movement. it just sounds so much like what god would be telling me on a normal daily conversation with him: assurances of truth with a pinch of humour too. haha.
here are some of my favourites:
i'm here.
there, there. you know there's no problem too big for me. tell me what's wrong.
will you just chill? i have everything under control.
do you know i've never stopped loving you?
you were on my mind today. was i on yours?
we need to talk.
let's hang out sometime.
have a good day. i made it especially for you.
i missed you. where have you been?
don't make me come down there.
i hate rules. that's why i made only ten of them.
i love you for who you are, and not for what you do. that said, please don't break my heart. and these thought-provoking ones:
how can you call yourself a free thinker when you can't even accept the possibility of my existence?
if i gave you everything you asked for, where would you put it?
i don't question your existence. and the funniest double entrendre:
nietzsche is dead. ho yeah! haha.