read between the lines
blogger really has a prob this thing's screwed. the thing jammed again while i was trying to post my last post. very frustrating when you wait so long only to get a "500 internal server error" problem. and i suspect either blogger is screwed or my computer's really screwed. my mouse is still going crazy and exiting windows while i'm halfway typing, and opening windows i never requested for, and i'm already using mozilla and i've run spysweeper and hijackthis umpteen times. i give up.the spyware, adware, hackware devils are at it again. heck, even my tagboard's full of shit, which i jus deleted. what is this world coming to, that a simple writer cannot pen down her thoughts on the net? i'm tired of trying to post again. it's frustrating. if this problem persists, i might not post here again for a long time. |