Recording my journey of trying to make it through life and find God, joy, purpose and meaning along the way...basically in search of eternal life here on earth.

!HERO [the gospel in rock]
jon foreman
duran duran
the O.C.
jason LO


Background from


blogger really has a prob

blogger has a prob

interesting piece

this afternoon's writing
finally i get to sleep
kevin max has a blog!
a dead life
the sandals


October 2004
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read between the lines

Saturday, November 06, 2004

blogger works?

man oh man. it works, it doesn't work. mite as well type quick while it still works. and if this whole window exits again or it shows me that "internal error sign" i'm gonna go ballistic.

this week was a drag. week 2 of working here. i'm counting. so i've got 4 weeks left to get rid off. so sad, then i gotta jump straight back into the fish pool of school. no holidays. horrible. there were a few points in time this week that i felt it was not worth it to work, where i had to practically drag myself back into the morgue (it's freezing can practically store dead bodies in there) and sit down and let my eyes deteriorate over the hours.

every day. wake up insanely early, suffer from loss of sleep, and even if i do sleep more or less enuff i still fall asleep cos the coldness in the office makes me sleepy....where was i? yeah. wake up, suffer from sleep loss, fight my way past the human jam at customs (the usual culprits responsible for pushing, shoving, stepping on my toes, banging into me, messing up my hair, etc.. all devils for all i care), fall asleep standing up in the mrt (yes, it is possible cos i've done it all week...all i have to do is lean on the back of those glass "windows" where they always stick the ads -- 2 at the sides of each mrt door -- and fall asleep. seats always taken. worst to the worst grab on to a metal pole and droop my head off to sleep), take the bus again and reach the workplace bleary-eyed and sleepy.

at work, battle the awful winter inside, and sit down and stare at the computer for 4 to 5 hours on end. my eyes have been hurting lately, so much so that i've had to take vision-breaks more often, but they (my eyes) still hurt and the words on the screen still look a little blurry when i return. i wonder if 6 weeks of this is gonna affect my vision. i really really really really really really really don't wanna wear glasses. i'm praying i don't have to.

and i realised it is impossible to NOT fall asleep at work, cos there's this point at around 2 or 3pm in the office where it is just so cold and i feel so fat and contented from having my lunch that i just feel like sleeping. i will just drop my head on the table and lie there for anywhere between 5 to 25 mins. really bad. but my colleagues have learnt not to tell on me and not ask me if i've passed out or fallen ill.

speaking of which, the colleague across my table, separated by a really low wall of partition, is pretty okay. it just so happens that his wife happens to share the same name and the same initials: jessica chong. and so far he's been doing a good job of not saying anything when i drop off to sleep. he's been pretty cool to in the sense that he's the only guy that dares to make jokes with me and he was the first to ask more about me.

but overall my colleagues are, overall, nice. so's my boss. but i think they're all polite cos they don't know me well, so it's common courtesy or sth like that. but i'm banking on it....cos at least i want to be on good terms with them as long as i'm slogging it out here. yesterday was my boss' birthday (surprise surprise...i noe so many november babies) and it was also "bosses' day" which i dunno why, but at my workplace, is like having april fool's day.

so the mood yesterday was pretty light and jovial. i had people telling me jokes and playing pranks on me all day. and i ate different types of cake...and ppl from other departments came over to talk and hang around...and they asked my boss a few quiz questions and made her wear a garland of feathers and take a photo of it. this goes to show one thing: adults are really kids at heart. i mean, yesterday was turned upside down and it was like everyone was in high school again or something. pretty cool. adults in adult office clothes acting like high school people. pretty fun.

but one main thing i realised since i started working here was....boys will always be boys. they never grow up. from day one until now, whether it's bosses' day or not, the men are always telling jokes and the women will laugh. especially my colleague across my desk...i found out he always likes to tease my boss' secretary, who is a 50-something lady who sits behind me and is the person to report to if my boss is not around (most times she's gone for a corporate lunch date or a meeting and she's always taking the company cars out to gain publicity for the company n envious lifestyle to some extent)....and sometimes he'll get the secretary to do some work for him and when she expresses her dislike, he'll jus joke around with her and she'll get over it.

even the other two bosses, whom i don't have to report to, who are both male, they're always telling jokes whether they're on the phone with their customers or whether they're walking out to just hang around and talk with the employees outside their office, meaning the area of tables where i'm at.

interesting observation of the male species...hahaha. just kidding.