read between the lines
temporal [short string of words by me]the Rock is my salvation and my delight in Him i find perfect peace. i guess being in this situation makes me realise even more vividly that things that satisfy me in this world are only temporal. which is good, cos it's making me set my eyes on things that are eternal. i mean, rite now when i'm "suffering", i can see so clearly that whatever makes me happy on this earth is only a fraction of the joy i'm gonna find in heaven, n more importantly, the things of this earth are gonna fade away so the joy will never last, unlike in heaven. when i was in my happy days i actually loved the world, so to speak. as in, i loved things of this world. it's so natural, i guess. i loved being in the company of close friends, going on roller coaster rides, visiting favorite places, good times, etc. don't get me wrong, i still do, but i am aware of the extent to which it lasts. y'know the fruits of the Spirit? love, joy, peace, patience, kindness [etc.]....i used to think these came from temporal things like the one i mentioned above. i thot love was when everyone's all happy n kind to u n u find it easy to love everyone; i thot joy was when u go out for a whole day with frens or when ur in the company of one of ur close buddies; i thot patience was when you didn't have to wait long. n rite now i've figured out that that's all wrong. i see it all so clearly now that in relation to the fruits of the Spirit, love is when people treat u like shit n u jus wanna give them a taste of their own medicine but instead u forgive them out of obedience to God n let the Lord repay them ("vengeance is the Lord's"); joy is when you praise god n exalt His name even in the midst of all the bad things ur going thru cos u noe ur rewards are waiting in heaven for an eternity to spend; peace is being still n knowing that God's in control of ur life n all its obstacles n stuff; patience is when u have no idea how long it's gonna take for God to get u out of this low point in ur life, but u noe that eventually it will pass. and as i worry n feel pain over others who are in pain, i think to myself how much more our Father in heaven would feel pain over His very children, His beloved creation, who are in pain. if i myself can feel so bad for people who are feeling bad, how much more must Jesus feel over me n over those same people..."see how He wept..." n so that thought calms me for a while. it lets me noe life is in control -- god's control, not ours. n god is a much better caretaker n manager of lives than i am, or anyone else for that matter. |