read between the lines
oww oww....my eyes hurt. and it hurts even more because i have to peer down while looking at this screen...cos the computer chair's wheels are broken...my dad sat on it earlier n broke it just like a giant goldilocks....hahaha...it was real funny....heeh...i still laugh at the memory...guess today i've been in a lightened-up mood...cleared some things off my mind lately...n my friends seem to be on the mend....so in a sense, it does feel like the burden's been lifted off my shoulders for now....there's still a big hurdle to climb, but i think it's only a "giant puppet" (as my friend said), so to speak, or one of the giants in the promised land. today was one of those weird days again when what your friend is saying to you, you're thinking of as well. it was like i was being mind-read for a certain, important span of time...but at the same time i also took it as a confirmation that it was indeed god speaking to me, revealing His advice through not only the person i was conversing with but through my thoughts as well. well, i can't deny that i did pray for wisdom and understanding from above in that matter...and i believe i received it....and am still receiving it. oww....my eyes hurt so much that it's making my head hurt slightly...but my song by Sting hasn't finished downloading yet...argh...cannot take it, guess i'll have to let it go. |