been reading the prayer of jabez again, after not reading it for 4 years, since i have been confined to the bed since yesterday...and it's sparking off new challenges for me...challenges that god can do greater things than these...if only i ask. we'll see...
as for today, i have two observations:
2) my gentle bear, the one who'd never hurt me, has given his sister a red (as opposed to black) aka. bloodied eye and an injured paw....him of all ppl! but my dad said he didn't really mean happened today during one of his show-off occasions, cos he has this thing of pretending to act strong when ppl are watching, haha...but my parents seem to think she's ok, nothing i hope so too...cos my parents, well, they're not the type to go to the doc's, not even for serious stuff...ah, such is the lesson i can learn from time, i'm definitely taking my kids / dogs to the clinic if they have prolonged ailments.
by the way, as noticed, i am no longer confined to the bed...although still confined to the home to recover a little bit more though...which is great! er, ok...the fact that i'm happy, means there's much to beware....cos from experience, there's always something bad round the corner if you're growing in god...geez...hope it's not my worst fears come true! harh...i hope not