Recording my journey of trying to make it through life and find God, joy, purpose and meaning along the way...basically in search of eternal life here on earth.

!HERO [the gospel in rock]
jon foreman
duran duran
the O.C.
jason LO


Background from




down in the mouth

the bumps are what you climb on
oh brother
pek cek


October 2004
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read between the lines

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


the sms i received when i came out from the bath (only just before this) cast somewhat of a pall over me. am in a sombre mood because the morbid topic of death is once again broached. just found out my pastor, who has been in two hospitals in two weeks under observation, has just been diagnosed with suspected heart infection which, if based on my mom's story, is a serious condition.

prior to this all we knew was that he was having fever and backache that refused to leave him after two weeks, so they sent him to the hospitals to see what was wrong. the only thing was, they couldn't figure out what was wrong, except that it was some kinda phantom viral infection. earlier in the week, my mom related a story in which something similar happened to a friend's kin and it turns out he actually had an infection to the heart. he nearly died.

felt drained of energy after hearing this. but at least i know one of my (and others') prayers got answered: the docs managed to figure out what was wrong with him. help keep my pastor in prayers, whether you know him or not.

on another note, i've gradually stopped grieving over my loss. the act of grieving was starting to wear me out, literally( cos it saps energy and in no way does it help me in recovering from my flu) and i just started to lose interest in it, as in i felt it's time to move on.

sure, the past will come back to haunt me time and time again, but i decided that i can't just stay in that impasse because life's not worth wasting away (aka. being useless for god) on. there are some things in life that are just more important and those things are definitely not found on earth.

time on earth is a precious commodity that god has granted us. the spate of tragedies and deaths can't help but remind me of how much nearer we are to the end and not only that, of how we don't have to wait for the end for our lives to be taken away.

am reminded of what You said to me that particular night. i certainly don't want to live a life of regret, regret at not doing what You asked me to do here on earth.

holidays are ending.
last sem of school is starting.

it'll be the final sem that i'll be returning to in less than a week. a last chance to be of use to You in this school. and then it'll be time to make the big post-grad decision, of which i still don't know the exact answer to.

how fast time flies.