read between the lines
the Friend okay. first things first. over the weekend my pastor got discharged from hospital. officially it was announced he still has low-grade fever and they're still gonna "do further tests on him", but unofficially we've (referring to my family and i) heard that he has been diagnosed already, with an infection to the kidney. either way we know for him to leave the hospital is a good thing. but he's "still not out of the woods yet", that we agree.and as for those seemingly unreachable resolutions, i managed to get most of no. 1 done. which is quite an achievement for me, despite the fact that i've realised no. 2 is most probably unsolvable until we get this stupid construction thing done and that no. 3 is...shelved for the moment. i'd love to write more and spit out my thoughts, but i'm strapped for time. thankfully i have 3 days of holidays as a temporary refuge from the grind (school) to look forward to. but 1 and a half of these days is going to be committed to a freshie-dominated camp, so er...that leaves me with the other 1 and a half. and oh, i found something meaningful in my mailbox tonight. though, as you get to the bottom, it's meant for friends, i kinda equated it to God immediately. even the title is absolutely befitting of Him. because it's true. seriously, no friend on earth can ever pledge that, because it's truly beyond their capability to fit all the criteria or even give of any of these values at a satisfactory level. and i guess that's what i've been learning day by day. that there isn't a superman, but there is a supernatural being who is. if you get what i mean. |