Recording my journey of trying to make it through life and find God, joy, purpose and meaning along the way...basically in search of eternal life here on earth.

!HERO [the gospel in rock]
jon foreman
duran duran
the O.C.
jason LO


Background from


a good laugh

our inhumane govt

what's behind my emotions

all sorts of stuff
walking after you
the tarots
the day after


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read between the lines

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

4 things...sorta

just took a look at a student's pictures of the new RP campus at woodlands (under july 4 post). wow, it's like so frickin' beautiful...makes me almost wish i was born a few years later so i could study there (nearer to home summore). almost.

2. about a million and one people name their blog "musings", with the latest being one of my friends. heck, even i used to name my blog that...before i found out it was the most creative thing people could come up with worldwide. either that or the "musings" spirit has been whispering that word into someone's ear all over the world. wish it'd shout out "be happy" or "carpe diem" or something like that. that would start a revolution.

they had this "beautiful minds" documentary on tv on sunday, and their research showed that savants, or geniuses or whatever you call them, tended to be "socially inept" and tended to be ostracised because there's a filter in their brain that blocks out stereotypes and the way normal-level humans think, and it is this filter that causes creativity, because some dr.-lecturer-savant guy explained that this is what encourages the brain to think out of the norm, and therefore something against the grain of common acceptance. they also found that with this autistic yet incredibly gifted savant nicknamed the living camera due to his area of gifting, the more he socialised or was able to fit in, it seemed like the less the power of his talent became. they also said with savants it seemed the brain was wired wrongly, as if extreme genius or talent was a result of a defect in the human brain, not an advantage.

wah, if like that then i wanna keep on being weird. haha. or rather, i embrace my weirdness and accept the good side of being a social handicap. seriously, i've always wondered why everyone else seemed to be ingrained with the knowledge of house rules within the boundaries of society set before them while i, most of the time, had no clue until i made a mistake and someone picked up on it.

i mean, i know i'm no savant lah, but there have been times where i was able to be more creative in certain areas...and if that "condition" truly encourages creativity, then onward march man, onward march. anyway there's always been this part of me that wants to stand out anyway, not to get attention but rather because i loathe being a clone or "just like everybody else". and yet the human need in me for "acceptance" clashes at times...and that's when there's a conflict in me.

i'm not saying i will keep being rude if i'm found to be rude when honestly, i really wasn't trying to, but if somebody picks up on my weirdness again, like i said, i'll embrace it instead of ask god why my brains seem to be wired wrongly, which is what i've often asked (now i understand, and ironically that's be a good thing if i am, haha).

but i agree with what my friend said, that change is inevitable and i will change anyway, whether i want to or not. another friend, chappati went even further as to say there's been a slow but marked improvement in my social behaviour through the years, and i will naturally continue to improve as time goes by.

there's a fourth but i think i better force myself off the comp or else i will be stuck here till sunrise.