read between the lines
our inhumane govt this was the shock that greeted me when i picked up my daily papers to read yesterday afternoon (click on the picture, it'll take you to the actual size where you can zoom in). note the gruesome pool of blood where the lady is standing. looks like a mass shooting more than anything, which it was.other less detailed articles here and here. they say our country is so developed and our people are so nice and all that and yet they are so inhumane as to kill 13 innocent man's best friends whose only offences are excessive noise and stench. i mean, what if a human was making too much noise and peeing all over the place while in a drunken stupor? would he be shot dead just for that? i don't think so. while this type of dog-shooting thing is not new news, it's never been done on such a large scale at such a small time. either that or the papers have never covered it. i mean i have read with growing trepidation of the several cases that come out in the papers once in a while regarding cases where 1 or 2 dogs were shot because of minor offences such as not owning licences or making too much noise, but this really takes the cake. i mean look at all that innocent blood spilled. makes my blood boil. but seriously, i have to admit that the amount of dogs he kept was really just asking for trouble in this country (25 dogs in total) and it was inevitable something like this would happen if he continued. why? well we just have to accept the grim reality that we are living in a country where most of the population has a cultivated-through-the-generations hatred for dogs. i agree with what this guy said in the Star today regarding the matter. i know i would risk life and limb to defend my dogs if some crazy people barged into my house and tried to shoot them, and in doing so of course i would naturally "be aggressive" (tell me which dog lover in the world wouldn't). to "be aggressive" is no excuse for them to open fire, it really isn't. i mean if that guy kept 23 cats and he started "being aggressive", he wouldn't get anything even close to a shootout. i also agree with him that there is always a less painful way to die for the dogs and that the insanely beefed-up show of force was just unnecessary ("four dog shooters, two police officers, and other enforcement officers...here, we were not dealing with a gang leader harbouring some criminals but a 66-year old pet lover"). in a way the massive turnout shows the lack of understanding a lot of our population (especially one race in particular) has about dogs; in general the common misconception is that dogs are fierce and like to bite for no reason, which creates an unjustified fear of canines (when in truth, really, sometimes the people themselves instigate the aggressiveness in dogs by throwing stones and shooting postmen's elastic bands at them, all of which, my dogs have experienced). the worst and most revealing part for me though, has to be the organisation that took part with the enforcement people and allowed the shooting to happen. that the VSD would do such a thing. even our own Vet department wants to kill our animals. *shakes head* i myself have had my bad share with the VSD with whatever few and far between times i went to do checkups of my dogs there. the last time i was there with my old dog (now deceased, god bless her soul) daisy and they found that she had a mild case of mangy, guess what's the vet's advice was: "put her to sleep." such is their lackadaisical (no pun intended) attitude that you even question why they ever became vets at all (or was it only for the cats? i wonder). but at the end of the day, knowing this is reality, i really thank god for the protective hand He's put over my current dogs and i thank god my furry best friends are alive and well today, though lately we've been having strange people eyeing our house lately looking like they want to break in. but i am grateful that we have a God watching over us and knowing that makes me sleep in peace (excluding other insomnia-causing factors la). |