Recording my journey of trying to make it through life and find God, joy, purpose and meaning along the way...basically in search of eternal life here on earth.

!HERO [the gospel in rock]
jon foreman
duran duran
the O.C.
jason LO


Background from


last 'live' post for this yr

hari raya helliday

re:re:beagle died

re:beagle died 2wks ago
beagle died unfairly 2wks ago
new year's eve
uncountable-accomplishment milestone
re:not dead yet & future self
freshness in consecrated things
zero-accomplishment milestone


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read between the lines

Monday, December 27, 2004

finally..a rock version of the gospel!

"Not since the City On a Hill projects has such unique and original collaborations with top artists been heard in CCM."

I so agree. I ain't heard anything as good, anything as "power" as !Hero - the Rock Opera since City on a Hill. honestly. and i ain't heard of a better compilation since. this has got to be the best yet, in fact it's even better than the Spritzer ccm rock compilations. makes me wanna tell all my frens, which i am.

n u, dear reader, seriously gotta give it a try. !Hero - the Rock Opera is a modern version of the story of's basically like a musical, but not of the boring musical singalong kind. this is more like rock, r&b, hip hop, pop, rap n sentimental all rolled into one 2-disc album, all telling u about the Savior, from the start of His ministry rite up to his death n resurrection. very cool, very relevant...esp for ppl like me. good on the ears for rock / loud music fans who want to, for once, listen to non-explicit, jesus-filled lyrics.

n i like the fact that this rock act comprises well-known frontmen from ccm bands...ppl like who else but michael tait from (my fave band) dc talk as hero, john cooper from skillet (another rockin good band....side note: john cooper sounds and looks exactly like daniel johns from cool is that?), mark stuart from audio adrenaline, (the odd one out in terms of genre cos she's not from rock as i recall, but she sure fits in well here) rebecca st. james, n a buncha other ppl i never heard of who sound pretty good.

honestly, have u ever heard eminem sing about jesus? i tell u, there's a guy on this track here that sounds jus like eminem that does that....very cool indeed (check him out in the opening song on the official site). i mean, i cudn't believe my ears when i heard this eminem replica rapping about his sick daughter n asking hero (aka. jesus) to heal her [song: Raised in Harlem, based on Matthew 9: 18-26]. n john cooper's in this album too so u got a biblical version of silverchair in here too. in fact, almost every track is based on a passage from the Bible, n it's told in modern, relevant-to-you-and-me kinda language n sung in music more suited to our times. very cool indeed.

my personal fave has to be the mark hammitt as the crippled man. he's like kevin max and queen's freddie mercury plus his own distinct style, n anyone who sounds like kevin max is definitely a crowd-puller in my book. i was listening to the track "stand up n walk" (based on John 5:1-18) n i was thinking....since when does a crippled man sound so good?

n the setting is set in modern, futuristic times. hero aka. jesus, is born in pennsylvania (aka. modern bethlehem), speaking to the street kids n laypeople in brooklyn n the new york area. the pharisees are agents and spies of ICON (international confederation of nations), which is like the holy-molies of jesus' day. but don't get me wrong...this doesn't stray from the word of the bible, cos the words sung, though modern, are the words from the bible...only the roles and setting has changed. n minor when jude aka. judas iscariot kills himself, instead of getting his guts spilled open like it says in the bible, jude shoots himself in this story.

unfortch, i ain't seen this album in jb or s'pore....which is relly sad. i got this thing in kl on christmas eve....n since it's 2 discs i paid twice the price...or else i wudda bought an extra one to distribute around u guys. but i'm planning to burn several copies soon.....u can ask me for it. meanwhile check out Hero's official website and snippets of the tracks. i think this cud do relly well in spreading the Word across as well as helping those believers who are struggling like me.

!Hero comes out in comics (very cool drawings), some of which are printed alongside the lyric booklet i got in the album, as well as a novel, n most recently, a DVD of the "live" version of !Hero. n yeah, i liked it the first time i listened to it on christmas fact i played it so much that i slept at 4am that nite...

Sunday, December 26, 2004

a meaningful christmas

but i'll tell ya....this christmas was more real to me than it's ever been for years. this time i actually thot about his death n not jus his birth. i've been blocking out the gory sights of the cross for too long. it's painful, i'll admit, to think my savior died for me, but that's the only way i can feel the extent of his love for me. n the depression i went thru...helped me understand n appreciate n be aware of the true meaning of christmas more this year.

i mean, i'm so used to thinking of a helpless baby in a manger, all those innocent, happy things....which they are, of course, but the danger involved....i didn't relly think of that. the genocide of baby boys at jesus' time, the risk his parents n the magi n the shepherds took....the fact that that "helpless baby boy" was actually the Christ who willingly shed his precious blood n literally went thru hell for me.....that relly rung out in my ears this christmas.

n i got a few nice surprises too this christmas, which i've never gotten before. i got to see a friend of mine whom i have not seen for four years this christmas eve when i was whisked away to wasn't even planned...but somehow we managed to meet this time after previous failed attempts. n i was encouraged in the faith by that friend too, so thanks if ur reading this....

on top of that, i got more cards this year from friends than i've ever had at any other christmas....and this is the only year that i never sent a single card to anyone! n it's also amazing cos they're not exactly close frens....mebbe the lesson here to learn is....don't send cards n u'll get more in return, eh? haha...cos all those other years, i've been sending cards to a few ppl....n i used to get less in return than the number i sent out. not that i was complaining, but i did feel...a bit disappointed?

n this year, i was so busy [it's the first time i've had christmas week in school =( ] that i didn't have time to buy and write cards for even my close was that bad...i expected nothing in return n i got pleasantly surprised....i think that's the true lesson to learn...haha. the only thing i gave this year was handshakes...which is sth new for me i guess, cos other years i've never done it. but it's pretty cool...pretty interesting as well, cos u get to notice who has the firm handshakes n who has the light ones....n they're not the usual suspects...haha.

another nice surprise was after christmas church dinner....quite a substantial bunch of us yfers actually went out in 4 cars after that for a drink at a mamak of the rare times of fellowship other than inside the church. n that's not all...that nite was also the nite i got my "wish"....for a very long time, i have always wanted, all my life, to drive down some quiet or scenic stretch of road at nite (preferably a starry nite) like the highway or the seaside n gaze....n my younger bro (in christ) jus got his license the day before so he actually drove along the stretch of seaside at nite!

ok, so it wasn't me at the wheels...but i was in the front seat, n i felt almost the way he felt when he was driving...the first thrill of being able to rev up the engine, floor the gas, break in time, shift the it was almost like i was the one driving, taking control of my own car....n that's a pretty cool feeling. thanks bro if ur reading this....i won't forget this for a long long time.

screw my parents for not letting me drive. i figure i'll probably be 25 when i get to drive my first car alone (as in without guidance or instruction from my parents)..haha. oh well.

if u've noticed, all the christmas surprises above are materialistic, worldly things. yes, n i am aware of that. i am aware that these things will fade....but that's not to say i don't enjoy them when they come my way. but i don't bank on it to get me thru the day or to determine my mood / countenance, cos if i do, then when it fades away i'm in serious trouble.

speaking of which, i feel a bit embarassed today cos i actually shared a bit about my time of depression (a small testimony) at yf earlier this afternoon. i totally exposed but a bit of my shell peeled off....but at the same time i do believe they needed to hear it (my testimony) cos i think god wants to warn them thru me. my two main points were:
1) if there's a problem which u jus can't seem to resolve even though u already know the answer, it means there's more problems beyond the surface, an underlying issue which u haven't resolved which u need to ask god n find out.
2) if you truly desire to be closer to god (or if you've been praying that prayer like i have been, without fully realising what it means), then expect trials, problems, troubles, worries, persecutions to come your way. you'll never grow close to him unless he kicks you out of your comfort force, which is what i find he is doing to me now.

jus like this very nite. i was kicked out into a nite of silent dinners (aka having dinner with me, myself n i, which is ok if u planned it but it's not if u thot ppl were joining u but they cudn't in the end), basically dragged n forced out of my comfort zone, simply becos god knew if he didn't make the appointment to see me (as in spending quiet time), he knew i never really would tonite, cos i got a buncha things due...some homework n stuff to do. n he knows how i have a way of putting things off sometimes cos i jus feel so mentally weary or tired to do things..yeah, so once again i am made to realise that HE sets the appointment to meet me, and not the other way round. cos like the guest pastor a few wks back said, there's jus no chance we cud ever meet God if He didn't make it possible for us to do so.

absent no. 4

hahaha....boohoohoo...[attempt to translate the transformation from a wry laugh into a near sob]

absence no. 4 for class! all in 3rd week! shit....sigh. oh well. how? well, for one of friday's classes, the teacher changed it to an online tutorial so we dint have to come for classes on fri....n the timing for the tutorial jus has to be at 7pm-8.30pm....and at that very time i was in school, but i was at my crusade's evangelistic christmas party the time i remembered when i got home it was 10pm. shit. the worst thing is that the teacher gave me a chance to retake the test the next day at 2.30-3pm, n i wasn't even around to take it.........cos i was in kl due to some last-minute family matters to settle.....haiiyyyaaa.......

there goes my allowances...all down the totally. this means i have to fork out 20 sing bucks or 40 plus ringgit to get myself an mc and some pills if i get stuck in another traffic jam n i get marked absent again. [trying to refrain from saying bad words]

yeah, i get mad when i think of it. i'll start a new post on a happier note...*try to forget it, jess, kill the anger!*

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

i missed my classes!

great. today is a fantastic day because i killed 2 birds with 1 stone...on top of yesterday's absence for the first lecture because of a massive pre-Christmas causeway jam n woodlands jam, de-ja-vu has to set in again today even though i woke up early! trust me to have a gastric attack just at the time i'm about to leave...and trust the stupid causeway jam to do the rest for me. all that waking up early for nothing....and that's just absence no. 2. absence no. 3 came when i had to miss today's final class (it's a make-up for this fri) all because the stupid computer i was working on in the library hanged and the paper i was working on went down the drain! the paper was due at the same time my make-up class ended. the pc hanged ten minutes before the make-up class started. so, to save my ass, i rewrote the whole paper from start to finish. n that makes up absence no. 3. n it's only 3rd week! i can't believe it....

i was planning to save up these "absence allowances" as spares for really stressful times where there'll be major assignments n tight deadlines at the end of this sem.....n now that's like 3 chances less. crap...n now they've shifted the allowances from 4 to 3 per module, n the warning letter comes at no. 3 which i wud preferably want to avoid, so basically that leaves me with only 1 other chance to go AWOL for each of these 3 different modules i was absent for. just great.

on top of that i have quite a number of things i haven't completed since the first week, including this piece of shit i'm working on for my company....they told me to write a profile article exactly 1 hour before i left the office on my last day of work. my boss mus obviously think i'm superwoman....[reminds me of whitney houston's "i'm not your superwoman"...hah].

but i suppose the good piece of news is, the blue-black big toe that my brother stepped on over a fight in june has finally peeled itself out n revealed a new layer of soft nail underneath. this happened yesterday n now i got a brand new toenail...hahaha. but i had to clean up the crusted-up, clotted blood which was the source of the blue-black colour which had been hiding under the old injured nail for 6 months...but hey it looks new now n i'm glad it's finally okay...

found a new quote today:

"everything will be okay in the end. if it isn't, then it's not the end."

i wish! if that were so then ppl wudn't die at the mercy of extreme terrorists or get killed by drunk drivers. speaking of which, today the great exodus replayed itself at s'pore customs. i sit in the stupid jam for 1 entire hour. i come out, stand at customs...and find the bus a rarity. it's so rare that, the minute people spot a bus, they surge, rush and push their way past the barriers and make a break for the bus. you'd think this was india, where ppl were packed like sardines into their econ class trains. but no, this is civilised singapore, more specifically, malaysians going into singapore. "malaysia, negara yang maju".....oh the irony! goes to show ppl are the same everywhere. even in s'pore, the "strict" city, i've had this stupid worker flick the gold from his nose onto my lap on the i so felt like doing the same to him.

but thank god i managed to avoid most of the attacks from these hooligans today because by the time i came the crowd was thinning out. n at least no one shoved a bag up my ass like they've done before. seriously, i don't get these bitches. why do they want to stuff their branded bags up my butt...don't they find that even disgusting at all? ok, enuff with me. all this anger is making me want to say words that are at the tip of my tongue.

so back to doing my work i will go. but one thing i noticed the difference in at meta camp compared to non-meta, is that i found it almost impossible to spontaneously think of swear words in my head during the camp, even if i was in school, compared to when the camp's over. for that short amount of time i was actually free of these spontaneous thoughts....i didn't even have to control them or shut them out of my mind or whatever.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

i got early classes tmr n i'm still up!

jus a quickie will do...but since when r my quickies quick enuff....

update on my life: yeah, you bet. no change, really. i'm up n down in this situation. but i do realise one thing that sort of helps. multi-tasking. cos when i listen to my fave ccm songs while i'm in the bus or mrt, my mind actually wanders n i actually harp on how depressed i feel. so these days....i multi-task. music plus books...or music plus praying...suited to on-the-move situations, since my travelling time everyday's pretty long.

yeah....makes me wish i lived in nus. freedom from my family, a personal quiet space to call my own, n not to mention a perfect hangout...they've got reading rooms with pretty comfy couches n sofas n tv's, the music room with (what else cud i ask for) the piano, n a whole loada benches to lie down on n stargaze on fantastic starry nites like these....i still remember the view i got from meta thin clouds, with stars shining thru them. a moment i will never forget. made me wanna sleep outside that nite. admiring god's creation....jus looking at the beautiful canvas above made me forget about my problems or worries...felt like i was in another world. felt like the things that made me feel depressed were in some other parellel world.

[more strings of words by me]
no man is an island
but people are the very things that cause problems
the sources of
worry, frustration, pain, suffering...

mingling with people is a risk.
if i were alone maybe i'd be happier.
or maybe i'll never get it until
God sets me right with him.
"we are put right with Him through our faith."
so i guess i'll have to be patient.

Monday, December 20, 2004


[short string of words by me]
the Rock
is my salvation
and my delight

in Him i find perfect peace.

i guess being in this situation makes me realise even more vividly that things that satisfy me in this world are only temporal. which is good, cos it's making me set my eyes on things that are eternal. i mean, rite now when i'm "suffering", i can see so clearly that whatever makes me happy on this earth is only a fraction of the joy i'm gonna find in heaven, n more importantly, the things of this earth are gonna fade away so the joy will never last, unlike in heaven.

when i was in my happy days i actually loved the world, so to speak. as in, i loved things of this world. it's so natural, i guess. i loved being in the company of close friends, going on roller coaster rides, visiting favorite places, good times, etc. don't get me wrong, i still do, but i am aware of the extent to which it lasts.

y'know the fruits of the Spirit? love, joy, peace, patience, kindness [etc.]....i used to think these came from temporal things like the one i mentioned above. i thot love was when everyone's all happy n kind to u n u find it easy to love everyone; i thot joy was when u go out for a whole day with frens or when ur in the company of one of ur close buddies; i thot patience was when you didn't have to wait long. n rite now i've figured out that that's all wrong.

i see it all so clearly now that in relation to the fruits of the Spirit, love is when people treat u like shit n u jus wanna give them a taste of their own medicine but instead u forgive them out of obedience to God n let the Lord repay them ("vengeance is the Lord's"); joy is when you praise god n exalt His name even in the midst of all the bad things ur going thru cos u noe ur rewards are waiting in heaven for an eternity to spend; peace is being still n knowing that God's in control of ur life n all its obstacles n stuff; patience is when u have no idea how long it's gonna take for God to get u out of this low point in ur life, but u noe that eventually it will pass.

and as i worry n feel pain over others who are in pain, i think to myself how much more our Father in heaven would feel pain over His very children, His beloved creation, who are in pain. if i myself can feel so bad for people who are feeling bad, how much more must Jesus feel over me n over those same people..."see how He wept..." n so that thought calms me for a while. it lets me noe life is in control -- god's control, not ours. n god is a much better caretaker n manager of lives than i am, or anyone else for that matter.

Sunday, December 19, 2004

it's a vicious cycle

it's a vicious cycle. everybody's worrying about somebody. except those who find peace in christ. sigh. the bible says He promises perfect peace....i seem to lose it at times. let's see. i'm worried about someone, someone else is worried about me, n yet another someone is worried about someone else too. worries worries worries. "can any of you live a bit longer by worrying?" birds n He knows how to clothe them n the grass, so how He shud noe even more to provide for me....i noe...but sometimes i can't feel it.

i've been so busy this week. i feel like running into the arms of God n staying under His wings while the world goes by without me. i feel like going MIA n coming back later when every problem has passed me by. i feel jus like the psalmist when he said he felt like running to some place where there's peace n god or sth like that in Psalm whatever (i can't seem to find it rite now) when i read earlier tonite.

always wanting to run, wanting the easy way out, wanting a way of escape. can't take it handling it alone. used to be able to cope with god n god alone. but now i'm helpless. defenceless. pathetic in a way. i realise thru this experience that i actually need to hear words of encouragement to feel encouraged. sheesh. i hate my guts. i can't seem to stand alone these days...alone with god i mean.

maybe i shud go to some deserted island n live like a hermit for 5 yrs or sth n then come back. oh yeah, n throw away my phone. n discard my emails n the internet n any way of contacting ppl. then mebbe i'll learn to depend on god more, or depend on Him n Him alone.

Monday, December 13, 2004

back from camp

meta camp was....great. i always like it when i get a place of my own to sleep (only if it's one person per room) n the freedom to walk around at nite n look at the stars n think about life. besides that...the speaker this year was good...relly entertaining. made me laugh all the time...but also knew how to get serious. yes, an ang moh. dave park. the guy who wrote 'stomping out the darkness', a book i saw a few years' back but never bought. lucky i didn't buy cos i got it for free at this camp.

but i realised over the past week that even in camps like these, in supposed safeholds, thoughts of the devil can come in....and they did enter my mind, tho at a much lower frequency than they did when i didn't have camps. also i felt stronger in the camp compared to non-camp days. but that's not to say i wasn't tempted to ruin my life out of desperation. i was...but i was stronger in dealing with those thoughts.

and wow i gotta admit there is nothing like spending one hour worshipping God with many other fellow believers in the morning rite befor you go to school. i have never felt anything like it, probably becos i never got the chance to. somehow you just feel a certain peace n security within you as you head out to the treacherous path of school....well until something major happens to you like you lost your wallet...which i did on that fact i lost it two days before that as well...long story, all to do with my carelessness at leaving my bag whenever i go to the restroom after a meal.

i say school is treacherous because u get stuck with leftover groups and various lecturers proclaiming impending doom upon you by reminding you that this is the toughest semester in mass comm ever. i mean, logically:

leftover groups + toughest semester ever = failed modules?

i mean, that's the way i see it....if something doesn't get done. from past experience, leftover groups aren't exactly ppl who hand in their work on time. and not handing in work on time means 10% deduction per day...and scarily, the advertising module lecturer has demanded that work even one minute late will get an immediate zero...not a safe thought indeed. the first thing that came to my mind is....i gotta pray really hard, man. i really don't wanna retake any modules and graduate six months later or something like parents would kill me cos my scholarship runs out at the appointed time i'm supposed to graduate....and as you can see, ppl who get scholarships definitely don't come from rich families.

as for my wallet, it got stolen from my bag on tuesday over lunch at canteen one in school....i suspect it was the gang of chinese guys at the table next to me cos when i came back from the restroom they started to leave really quickly...and i didn't even realise my wallet was missing until 1 hr later. i got worried. i was thinking, great. the one time i decide to stay over in singapore and not come back for one whole week and all my week's worth of money has to go missing. i'm broke in a foreign place and i can't go back home to get more money. my parents are going to murder me.

later security found the wallet at the bus stop, money empty. they even took my ringgit....sheesh. money was the issue, since i didn't keep cards inside my wallet. why? cos i don't usually carry wallets to singapore unless i'm going for a camp. and this is the thing that i was relly surprised at and i think mite have got to do with the peace i felt while worshipping in the morning: never did i think of one single bad word the whole time i lost the wallet. amazing for me, cos usually when a crisis happens, i go like *toooooot*. i don't say it out loud, but it's in my head. i'm glad i didn't this time.

thursday was different tho. i lost it again, this time at the foodcourt at nus (the campsite) where i was having breakfast before pushing off to school for classes....and i didn't realise i lost it until class ended at lunch time. i freaked. it wasn't in class, so i knew it had to be in nus. i panicked and (this is so wrong of me to break the record) but i allowed one swear word to pop up twice in my mind. immediately after that i felt guilty n tried to stop myself. i rushed back to nus, thank god i had a relatively big lunch break, n asked security n lost n found if they found anything. no, they didn't.

i went to 3 different centres...all found nothing. i gave up. i felt like crying but i didn' i felt depressed. i was in half-shock and half-dread...dread of how my parents were going to react when they found out. the first time, they came all the way from jb jus to pass me money cos they didn't feel good leaving me to "fend for myself" by borrowing from frens. yeah, they're overprotective. i hate that. anyway this time i was dreading telling them. i was trying to hold it off as long as i could.

in desperation i went back to the place i had my breakfast, hoping to ask the stall auntie if she saw it. as i reached there someone tapped me on the shoulder n asked me if i lost my wallet. it was the cleaner manager. he had found it on the chair where i put my bag n had kept the wallet, money intact, in the locker room the whole time...n he didn't notify security which is why they reported finding nothing. wah lau, rite at that moment i was grinning from ear to ear like revival jus shot thru me!

thank god the second time it got found. now my parents never have to noe...hehe. btw, i felt pretty guilty the way i reacted in this situation. it was less calmer than the first time i lost it, my face went a little pale n my expression was a scared and worried one (at least that's what the lady at one of the security centres told me). my trust in god was was there but to a much smaller degree.

[sidenote: my face tends to get pale in major crisis early back as standard 6 i can remember my frens telling me i looked so pale on the day i took the english quiz in front of the whole school n my teachers saying the same thing at certain tough exams.]

but i must say what a week it's been and, as with the first meta camp (this is the second one; the first one was during my attachment), it's been absolutely great to come back to a home so near from school (or work, for the first one) and not have to travel so the long boring draggy road all the way home. i really really like it....sigh...that's one of the things i'll miss....n this time since school's not so strict as work, for the big lunch breaks i came back to nus to have lunch with my frens...n catch up on sleep, on a proper bed. another thing i'll miss is also the air of mass worship n coming to God, all those talks n worship sessions in the midst of many fellow believers...i always feel stronger when the numbers are great. (there's strength in numbers). n the morning worship thing i mentioned....sigh i wish i cud do that every single school day cos i'm pretty sure it wud help me get along with the day much easier. but with that said, i am thinking of having personal worship with god before school starts each day....the only problem is that i'm too tired to wake up earlier. i actually shut off my alarm sometimes without recalling ever doing so.

and i guess one of the fun things about this camp is....the people that you wanna see are all there. compared to the whole of singapore or the whole of malaysia (even worse cos it's bigger), the possibility of you being able to locate your friends is much higher in a place restricted enough to find them. i mean, that's nearly all we crave, rite? shelter, security, god, friendship...

oh well. the true test is now, now that camp's over. now that the temporary blanket of protection is gone. i pray i'll be faithful and accountable to God.