read between the lines
i missed my classes! great. today is a fantastic day because i killed 2 birds with 1 stone...on top of yesterday's absence for the first lecture because of a massive pre-Christmas causeway jam n woodlands jam, de-ja-vu has to set in again today even though i woke up early! trust me to have a gastric attack just at the time i'm about to leave...and trust the stupid causeway jam to do the rest for me. all that waking up early for nothing....and that's just absence no. 2. absence no. 3 came when i had to miss today's final class (it's a make-up for this fri) all because the stupid computer i was working on in the library hanged and the paper i was working on went down the drain! the paper was due at the same time my make-up class ended. the pc hanged ten minutes before the make-up class started. so, to save my ass, i rewrote the whole paper from start to finish. n that makes up absence no. 3. n it's only 3rd week! i can't believe it....i was planning to save up these "absence allowances" as spares for really stressful times where there'll be major assignments n tight deadlines at the end of this sem.....n now that's like 3 chances less. crap...n now they've shifted the allowances from 4 to 3 per module, n the warning letter comes at no. 3 which i wud preferably want to avoid, so basically that leaves me with only 1 other chance to go AWOL for each of these 3 different modules i was absent for. just great. on top of that i have quite a number of things i haven't completed since the first week, including this piece of shit i'm working on for my company....they told me to write a profile article exactly 1 hour before i left the office on my last day of work. my boss mus obviously think i'm superwoman....[reminds me of whitney houston's "i'm not your superwoman"...hah]. but i suppose the good piece of news is, the blue-black big toe that my brother stepped on over a fight in june has finally peeled itself out n revealed a new layer of soft nail underneath. this happened yesterday n now i got a brand new toenail...hahaha. but i had to clean up the crusted-up, clotted blood which was the source of the blue-black colour which had been hiding under the old injured nail for 6 months...but hey it looks new now n i'm glad it's finally okay... found a new quote today: "everything will be okay in the end. if it isn't, then it's not the end."
i wish! if that were so then ppl wudn't die at the mercy of extreme terrorists or get killed by drunk drivers. speaking of which, today the great exodus replayed itself at s'pore customs. i sit in the stupid jam for 1 entire hour. i come out, stand at customs...and find the bus a rarity. it's so rare that, the minute people spot a bus, they surge, rush and push their way past the barriers and make a break for the bus. you'd think this was india, where ppl were packed like sardines into their econ class trains. but no, this is civilised singapore, more specifically, malaysians going into singapore. "malaysia, negara yang maju".....oh the irony! goes to show ppl are the same everywhere. even in s'pore, the "strict" city, i've had this stupid worker flick the gold from his nose onto my lap on the mrt...man i so felt like doing the same to him. but thank god i managed to avoid most of the attacks from these hooligans today because by the time i came the crowd was thinning out. n at least no one shoved a bag up my ass like they've done before. seriously, i don't get these bitches. why do they want to stuff their branded bags up my butt...don't they find that even disgusting at all? ok, enuff with me. all this anger is making me want to say words that are at the tip of my tongue. so back to doing my work i will go. but one thing i noticed the difference in at meta camp compared to non-meta, is that i found it almost impossible to spontaneously think of swear words in my head during the camp, even if i was in school, compared to when the camp's over. for that short amount of time i was actually free of these spontaneous thoughts....i didn't even have to control them or shut them out of my mind or whatever. |