read between the lines
i got early classes tmr n i'm still up! jus a quickie will do...but since when r my quickies quick enuff....update on my life: yeah, you bet. no change, really. i'm up n down in this situation. but i do realise one thing that sort of helps. multi-tasking. cos when i listen to my fave ccm songs while i'm in the bus or mrt, my mind actually wanders n i actually harp on how depressed i feel. so these days....i multi-task. music plus books...or music plus praying...suited to on-the-move situations, since my travelling time everyday's pretty long. yeah....makes me wish i lived in nus. freedom from my family, a personal quiet space to call my own, n not to mention a perfect hangout...they've got reading rooms with pretty comfy couches n sofas n tv's, the music room with (what else cud i ask for) the piano, n a whole loada benches to lie down on n stargaze on fantastic starry nites like these....i still remember the view i got from meta camp...orange thin clouds, with stars shining thru them. a moment i will never forget. made me wanna sleep outside that nite. admiring god's creation....jus looking at the beautiful canvas above made me forget about my problems or worries...felt like i was in another world. felt like the things that made me feel depressed were in some other parellel world. [more strings of words by me] no man is an island but people are the very things that cause problems the sources of worry, frustration, pain, suffering... mingling with people is a risk. if i were alone maybe i'd be happier. or maybe i'll never get it until God sets me right with him. "we are put right with Him through our faith." so i guess i'll have to be patient. |