read between the lines
absent no. 4 hahaha....boohoohoo...[attempt to translate the transformation from a wry laugh into a near sob]absence no. 4 for class! all in 3rd week! shit....sigh. oh well. how? well, for one of friday's classes, the teacher changed it to an online tutorial so we dint have to come for classes on fri....n the timing for the tutorial jus has to be at 7pm-8.30pm....and at that very time i was in school, but i was at my crusade's evangelistic christmas party thingy.....by the time i remembered when i got home it was 10pm. shit. the worst thing is that the teacher gave me a chance to retake the test the next day at 2.30-3pm, n i wasn't even around to take it.........cos i was in kl due to some last-minute family matters to settle.....haiiyyyaaa....... there goes my allowances...all down the drain...sucks totally. this means i have to fork out 20 sing bucks or 40 plus ringgit to get myself an mc and some pills if i get stuck in another traffic jam n i get marked absent again. [trying to refrain from saying bad words] yeah, i get mad when i think of it. i'll start a new post on a happier note...*try to forget it, jess, kill the anger!* |