read between the lines
ok, ok, i'm leaving...soon p.s. i found this unusual CD today a few hrs ago here in the library by this guy's band called "the Divine Comedy".....n it's weird but attractive music. i checked this guy out, neil hammond, on his official page, n was surprised to find he's been ard for some time cos i've never heard of him. i only borrowed his cd cos the cover showed a rather attractive-looking british kinda person (him) sitting on some antique, aristocratic-looking sofa.in fact all his pics inside have him against the background of some posh rich antique-furnished place. n it fits with his music...i guess. his music is....weird. he plays a lot on what i call unusual chords, or in musical terms, the augmented n diminished chords....n it sounds a tiny bit like some version of classical music veering between the romantic era n the 20th century era, cos there's a lot of orchestral instruments used as the background, like violins n such. but the fact that there's vocals on the tracks breaks the trend...n distinguishes it from classical music, which, bah, i never liked. cannot stand it. it goes on for hours and hours and hours...i used to call classical music the "sleeping pill". n the other unusual thing about this guy's album is...his lyrics...when i read them out, they're more like a story or a poem in each track instead of a song. n the songs...they rarely have the same lyrics to the chorus. so this mysteriousness of weaving a story into a song (n passing it off as a song)....fascinates me n incites my curiosity.....makes me wanna listen more. which is why i'm taking it home. it's good stuff to listen to at first "sight". ok, so i'm off! |