read between the lines
rude awakening so london's terrorists are at it again. just read this article on the latest bomb blasts fresh off the press. according to a hive of AP articles on Yahoo News, these 4 small blasts mimic the july-7 ones...3 on the tube and one on a bus. with one injured this time. the end gets nearer and nearer every day.on another note, i'm pretty relieved (and surprised) we wrapped up our filming for acting & directing today. yes, my ailment, though still present, remained miraculously discreet for the most part of our filming. (even now i'm still not feeling too well now as i sit here and type.) but my photojourn's still not done yet...and i haven't re-shot the second roll of film yet, cos i'm not exactly sure where to go and what to shoot yet..... and my bus pass, which has been screwed up since 1st july, still isn't working yet, which is starting to be a cause for concern. since 1st july, my pass (which used to allow me unlimited usage on buses in singapore) was suddenly rendered invalid even though that pass is supposed to last me till i end school. and since then i've had to cope with using the usual adult-fare charges, which are pretty expensive (and not to mention limited). every week i call up both the transitlink office and my school's student affairs department and every time they tell me to wait another week. it's been 3 weeks already and i've wasted nearly 70 sing dollars on transportation fees alone...that's more than what it would have cost me using the pass (52 dollars). and my mom of course, is not too pleased that we're losing money so unnecessarily like that. and i travel a lot, so i use up roughly 10 dollars in 2 days, what with the recent price hike and all. and it does get rather frustrating everytime the transitlink people direct me to their customer service where they give me a lot of sweet-talking and they can't get anything done. guess singapore's transportation system isn't so efficient after all....when i first discovered my pass was screwed, i thought, first the 170 problem and now this? cos just last month (june), my pass, for some screwy reason, refused me entry on all 170 and 160 buses (of all buses it has to be the one that takes me back to jb), which made me have to fork out extra money just to get home. but ah well. why should i worry about losing money when the One who has been providing me the money and the means to live in the first place will never fail in His provision? that thought just popped into my mind as i was thinking about the bus pass on the walk to sing customs tonight, and the minute it did it just put everything into perspective. "And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin.Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?"and as i recalled how god's been helping me out so much in the day's events, i had more faith that my unfinished photojourn assignment would somehow pull through and make the deadline. at least i'm hoping it will. but i admit i'm feeling less worried now, which is something i could do without, for: "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" (Matthew 6: 27) i've seen that verse so many times in the bible since i felt the first pains of youth until sometimes i get so sick of it that it loses its novelty. but it holds meaning for me now as i am brought to it again. pain, in a way, is a rude awakening. the carving tool for perfection, the catalyst for spiritual growth. not that i'll ever like pain, but yeah, i do see its benefits. was pretty surprised when the pilot episode of desperate housewives aired at 1am tonight a few hours after the O.C. (which i never fail to watch if i have nothing on) and was reminded of a quote which i find to be true (though seriously, it's a bit sexist): "Most women lead lives of quiet desperation." -- Bree, Desperate Housewives