read between the lines
what the? stuff that makes me wanna go what the ...?1) 4-car bang-up in PJ -- according to today's the Star (front-page news), 3 good samaritan malay teens tried to rescue a man who was pinned under the wreckage of his car and a Merce. in doing so, a Proton Wira slammed into them, killing one of teens and the guy who was trapped in his car. the other two teens and the driver of the Merce were seriously injured and the passenger of the Wira is now in a coma. to make matters worse, another Proton Iswara crashed into all of them. but the drivers of the last two cars (Wira and Iswara) had only outpatient treatments. no info given on how everything messed up. i mean, what were the last two drivers of the cars thinking? couldn't they see an accident in front or were they too busy speeding like people always do? 2) Jude Law apologising for affair -- according to tonight's Yahoo News, Jude Law publicly apologised (and in doing so, admitted) to his fiancee (the skimpily-dressed slut who starred opposite him in that slutty movie Alfie) for having an affair with one of his children's nanny from his previous marriage, which lasted six-plus years (before he fell into sin and ran off with his co-star after Alfie). talk about extra-marital affairs...this one is like extra-extra-marital...i mean, sure he divorced his first wife, but because he was unfaithful to her! and now he's like unfaithful to his wife-to-be....i mean, what, is his libido so high that he has to get horny on all women near him? 3) an malay associate professor rebuts a clinical psychologist and theologian's stand that homosexuals can change -- according to a neutral-opinion piece in yesterday's New Straits Times, the theologian guy, who's also the chairman of an international christian organisation which helps homosexuals change, says that it is possible for homosexuals to change through prayers, Biblical guidance and programmes, and Christian accountability partners who have been homosexuals before. he claims that tens of thousands have turned over a new leaf through this organisation (which has been running for 30 years). in response to that stand, the malay professor's rebuttal to that is, since the theologian is also a psychologist, he should know that homosexuality was removed from the DSM (diagnostic and statistical manual, which is this magazine thingy for doctors) in the 1970s. i mean, hello, the reason why homosexuality was removed was because it used to be listed as an incurable human "disorder", which had the gays and lesbians revolting, because in no way is it a disorder or its synonym, disease (it doesn't fit the descriptions of a disease). and anyway the DSM's reliability has been disputed in professional circles. it just so happens i did a 6000-worded research paper on how ADHD is really a falsely-labelled disorder (or disease) for natural naughtiness in kids, and some of the research spilled out onto other psychological disorders listed in the DSM. |