Recording my journey of trying to make it through life and find God, joy, purpose and meaning along the way...basically in search of eternal life here on earth.

!HERO [the gospel in rock]
jon foreman
duran duran
the O.C.
jason LO


Background from


there's a tsunami aftermath n i'm groaning away here?

no life today...literally

putting the god back in mass comm

finally..a rock version of the gospel!
a meaningful christmas
absent no. 4
i missed my classes!
i got early classes tmr n i'm still up!
it's a vicious cycle


October 2004
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
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March 2006
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read between the lines

Sunday, January 09, 2005

oh, brother

tonite i have found visual evidence that my brother fancies the female species. [all along this faggoting liar has been denying all claims and reports from my junior friends who are in his school that he likes a certain girl.] it's like this huge conspiracy that he keeps trying to hide from me and the family. my mom bought it, but luckily, i'm not that stupid (no offense to my mom).

cos firstly, i trust my frens, and secondly, he keeps watching hillary duff and lindsay lohan movies and listening to their albums. and those of you who watch hillary duff movies know it's always about some boy-girl relationship. and anyway he gets very uneasy when i confront him...hahaha. (i wud like to say he turns red, cos it looks nicer to write, but unfortch most of my family are all burnt brown from playing in the sun since young....and finding out much too late that sometimes brown works against u, especially when developing photos.)

how i found out was, tonite i turn on our family pc, this one i'm using. and what do i see on the desktop but a new untitled (as in its title is just a buncha numbers) picture next to my Contact Report for advertising class. so i click it...and's a picture of a buncha girls from some cca standing in front of his school. now what wud a picture of females-only homo sapiens be doing in my family pc? conclusion: so the assumptions are true. so what my junior friends said was true. most probably. and anyway i've caught him twice in questionable situations: once when one of my friends suddenly smsed me n asked me to tell my brother to back off cos he was flooding her phone with his feelings, and once when i discovered a "like" (cos it wasn't exactly "love") letter in this trusty pc addressed to some girl. both times he denied it and said he was doing it for a friend. both times i let the matter slip cos i felt it wud be bad to judge even my own brother, esp since i used to be the target of some very untrue rumours myself.

but this really confirms it. hahaha...i squirm with glee cos i'm gonna confront him with the evidence tomoro. hahaha....there's no way he can worm himself outta this one. so finally my brother is growing up. thank god! maybe this is one step to ending his childish habit of annoying and irritating me whenever he feels like it. i can't wait.....for the day we can actually be civilised brothers and sisters just for once. i can't wait for an end to all the horrible pranks he pulls on me, stuff like ambushing me outside the bathroom door, calling me swear words, and the like.

[the rest has been edited...cos i felt i was mebbe going too far.]