Recording my journey of trying to make it through life and find God, joy, purpose and meaning along the way...basically in search of eternal life here on earth.

!HERO [the gospel in rock]
jon foreman
duran duran
the O.C.
jason LO


Background from


incomplete sans god

a date with Love itself / Himself

parents suck

a different CNY
heaven on earth doesn't exist
faith n foundations
more misery
misery, misery
from flames, to freedom, to focus again


October 2004
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
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August 2005
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read between the lines

Monday, February 21, 2005


today was a humbling experience for me...especially tonite when i gave myself up to god. the stress....cannot take it sometimes. i mean, i noe i mus persevere n stuff, but sometimes it feels jus so easy to give up, y'know? u feel like running again, instead of braving the storm. n i was in conflict with myself initially, as in my feelings were opposed to god's, and i was initially unsure of what to tell god: talk to him the way i actually feel or the way i shud be feeling? but i'm glad the Father is not a politically correct god. so i don't need to give him "correct" answers, or feel the pressure to, like when i'm with ppl n stuff. (not that i actually do so....i try my best to be true to myself n god, or i'll feel relly bad when the day's over. but yeah, i do feel the pressure and that creates conflict within me n a sort of weariness of having to watch what i say sometimes.)

tonite this song best describes me....n i keep playing it over and over in my head, even when i've long turned my boom box off. this was what the writer, jon foreman, had to say in regards to it....n i totally agree with him, not just in what he said below but also in what he said in his song (the words i've enlarged are the words i can most relate to tonite):

"I wrote this song near the end of my 24th year on this planet. Wherever we run, wherever the sun finds us when he rises, we remain stuck with ourselves. That can be overwhelming. Sometimes I feel like my soul is polluted with politicians, each with a different point of view. With all 24 of them in disagreement, each voice is yelling to be heard. And so I am divided against myself. I feel that I am a hypocrite until I am ONE, when all of the yelling inside of me dies down. I've heard that the truth will set you free. That's what I'm living for: freedom of spirit. I find unity and peace in none of the diversions that this world offers. But I've seen glimpses of truth and that's where I want to run."
-John Foreman, on "Twenty-Four"

by Switchfoot
Twenty-four oceans, twenty-four skies,
Twenty-four failures in twenty-four tries.
Twenty-four finds me in twenty-fourth place,
With twenty-four dropouts at the end of the day.

Life is not what I thought it was
Twenty-four hours ago
Still I'm singing
Spirit take me up in arms with You
And I'm not who I thought I was
Twenty-four hours ago
Still I'm singing
Spirit take me up in arms with You.

Twenty-four reasons to admit that I'm wrong
With all my excuses still twenty-four strong.

But see I'm not copping out
copping out, not copping out
When You're raising the dead in me

Oh, I am the second man
Oh, I am the second man now
Oh, I am the second man now

And You're raising these twenty-four voices
With twenty-four hearts
With all of my symphonies in twenty-four parts
But I want to be one today
Centered and true
So I'm singing
Spirit take me up in arms with You
And You're raising the dead in me

Oh, I am the second man
Oh, I am the second man now
Oh, I am the second man now
And You're raising the dead in me

I want to see miracles
To see the world change
I wrestled the angel
For more than a name
For more than a feeling
For more than a cause
I'm singing
Spirit take me up in arms with You
And You're raising the dead in me

twenty-four voices
With twenty-four hearts
Twenty-four symphonies in twenty-four parts
Life is not what I thought it was
Twenty-four hours ago
And You're raising the dead in me

But see I'm not copping out
copping out, not copping out....

note: the last bit bout "I wrestled the angel for more than a name, for more than a feeling, for more than a cause" refers to when jacob stuggled with god (who was in the form of a man) in the dirt n refused to let go until god blessed him in Genesis 32:23-30. i didn't know it myself until i realised it a few days ago, even more so tonite. and i so feel the same way, even about the "i am the second man" bit...tonite i re-learned a lesson in humility, n my pride n ego is something i relly have to keep in check or it'll affect my walk with god.